Monday, 17 November 2008

Vince can solve your credit crunch problems

Vince Cable is pictured here with Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Candidate, Paul Zukowskyj. Vince Cable shows how a basket of groceries has increased in price. But Vince has the solutions to the credit crunch Read our story - left, to see what they are. In 2007, the groceries cost nine pounds and seventy-one pence. Today, in 2008, the same basket of groceries costs twelve pounds and twenty-four pence. That's the effect of the credit crunch. But Vince Cable has the solutions. Read on to find out what they are.

"People are feeling the pain of the credit crunch and rocketing prices," says our PPC Paul Zukowskyj. "The government is doing too little, too late to help people get through the hard times.

"We need to put money back in the pockets of people who are struggling to make ends meet.
Liberal Democrats are calling for a 4p cut in the rate of income tax, paid for by upping taxes on pollution and closing tax loopholes used by the rich.

"We would also get tough on unnecessary and wasteful government spending, and use some of the money saved to cut taxes even further for those on low and middle incomes."

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